Autoimmune Foundations

In this self paced course, we delve into the 5 Autoimmune Foundations, focusing on key nutrition and lifestyle changes that are designed to nurture and support your body. We’ll explore how making mindful adjustments to your diet and daily habits can help you feel more at ease and deeply connected to your well-being.

Where are you on your healing journey?


Are you feeling overwhelmed by autoimmune symptoms? Confused by the abundance of information? Feeling like your body has failed you? The © 5 Autoimmune Foundations Course could be just what you need. 

Hi! I'm Lindsay, an autoimmune nutritionist & dietitian, and a functional & integrative nutrition practitioner. Living with autoimmune disease myself, I understand the wide range of emotions that come with chronic illness. Sometimes you don’t know where to start, feel stuck in your healing, or are simply tired of feeling unwell. I’ve poured my heart, soul, and expertise into creating a holistic course that covers various aspects of healing in a gentle, understandable, and sustainable way. 

In this course, you'll master the © 5 Autoimmune Foundations to support your immune system with gentleness and ease: nutrition, movement, sleep, stress, and trust & safety. My goal is to empower you to trust your body again (or maybe for the first time) and nurture it with love and care through holistic nutrition and lifestyle changes. 

What we'll do together:


Intro: Welcome Watch the welcome video and complete the 3-day food journal before starting the course. This will give you insight into your current eating habits and any symptoms you may be experiencing. 

Week 1: Nutrition & Autoimmune Disease We will cover the crucial topic of nutrition and its impact on autoimmune diseases. Learn about essential nutrients and foods to incorporate into your diet to support the healing process. Starting with beneficial foods ensures you get adequate nutrients before considering any dietary restrictions. 

Week 2: Movement and Autoimmune Disease We'll explore the relationship between physical activity and autoimmune diseases. Discover the types of exercises that are most beneficial and how to incorporate them safely into your routine. 

Week 3: Stress and Autoimmune Disease Stress significantly impacts autoimmune conditions and the healing process. We'll learn about the role stress plays and discover effective methods to reduce and manage stress in your life. 

Week 4: Foods and Drinks to Reduce/Remove We'll discuss specific foods and drinks to reduce or eliminate if you have autoimmune diseases. Understanding which foods can trigger symptoms or inflammation is key to managing your condition. 

Week 5: Trusting Your Body Again Many people with autoimmune diseases feel betrayed by their bodies and struggle to trust them again. We'll explore these feelings and discuss ways to rebuild trust in your body, fostering a positive relationship with yourself. 

Week 6: The Importance of Sleep in Healing Sleep plays a vital role in the healing process, especially for those with autoimmune diseases. We'll discuss strategies to improve your sleep quality and ensure you're getting the restorative rest your body needs. 

Each week includes journal prompts, mindfulness exercises, and video lessons. Since it's self-guided, you can move through it at your own pace.

What is Included in Autoimmune Foundations Course?

  • 6 recorded lessons covering the © 5 Autoimmune Foundations (nutrition part 1, movement, stress, nutrition part 2, trust & safety, sleep)
  • Journal prompts and rest & digest exercise included in each week
  • Nutrition handouts 
    • 3 Day food journal 
    • Protein sources
    • High fiber foods
    • Fat sources
    • Carbohydrate sources
    • How to work in soluble fiber
    • Food sources for key nutrients that are often depleted with autoimmune 
  • Gluten free brand lists (that actually taste good)
  • Meal ideas & recipe links
  • Labs to request from your practitioner for nutrient status
  •  Lifestyle Tip handouts 
    • Movement
    • Sleep
    • Stress
    • Safety & Trust
  • Additional nervous system balancing resources 
  • Recorded health affirming meditations
  • Bonus Balancing Your Blood Sugar course included at no additional cost

By the end of this course, you'll have clear, practical steps to create more ease, safety, and health in your body. You'll discover that slowing down is the key to truly thriving with autoimmune disease.

Course Price: $333

Is This Course Right For You?

The Autoimmune Foundations Course is all about reconnecting with your body and finding new ways to support it, especially when dealing with autoimmune issues. One of the main themes is slowing down and creating a sense of safety and trust in yourself.

You'll learn practical strategies for integrating the ©5 Autoimmune Foundations gently into your daily routine, allowing you to listen to your body’s signals and respond with care. It’s not just about making changes; it’s about creating a safe, supportive environment where your body can truly begin to heal and thrive.

The course emphasizes the importance of slowing down and fostering a trusting relationship with your body, helping you build a strong foundation for better health and a more balanced life.

If this feels like a good fit for you, I invite you to join this self paced journey to thriving with autoimmune.

Have questions about the course? You can email [email protected]

Start The Course
***If you would like to take this course but face financial challenges, please feel free to pay what you can within the range of $77 to $333. Pay what you can at this link***

What are people saying about Autoimmune Foundations?

"I have felt like my body has failed me for so long. After taking this course I have started to love and trust my body again. This is an incredible gift."

"I have tried all the 'diets' out there and they always left me feeling restricted, anxious, and stressed. After taking Lindsay's Autoimmune Foundations course, I feel like I have choice in what I eat and now approach my meals with curiosity instead of shame and guilt."

"This course provided me manageable steps to take in my healing process. I have always focused on just diet and exercise. This is important but I realized I was missing some other key parts in the healing process."


"I've poured thousands into my healing journey, and among all that spending, Autoimmune Foundations stands out as truly priceless. I finally feel empowered and confident in my body after such a long time. My only regret was not finding this gem sooner. Lindsay, thank you from the bottom of my heart!"




"This course was incredibly helpful in my healing journey. This is the first time I felt like I had the permission to go slow in my healing and take things one at a time. I learned the phrase 'Go slow to go fast' and I repeat this to myself daily."




"I know that the healing journey is filled with ups and down but I feel like I now have tools to ride the highs and lows of living with autoimmune disease."