Online Courses to Help You on Your Health Journey. Empowering the Healing within You.

Supporting Your Immune System Through Cold & Flu Season


Do you find yourself getting sick all of the time? Or take a long time to bounce back after getting sick? This course provides tips to support your immune system to prevent sickness, or help you bounce back faster when you do get sick

$29 Immune System Support Course

Balancing Your Blood Sugar




Do you experience gut issues, fatigue, mood swings, skin issues, sleep issues, hormonal imbalance, headaches, or fast heart rate? You could be experiencing blood sugar dysregulation. 

$29 Balancing Your Blood Sugar Course


"I had no idea blood sugar imbalance was impacting my energy level. After taking this course I realized I was not eating enough. Since adjusting my nutrition I feel like I have energy again"


"The Supporting Your Immune System course was incredibly helpful! I implemented some of the recommendations this past winter and I was able to move through sickness more quickly than before! I also learned that being healthy is about resiliency, not about not ever getting sick."


"I was in prediabetes range and was heading towards type 2 diabetes. I found this course and spent 3 months changing my diet and lifestyle and my labs show I am back in normal range! I plan to continue this way of living!"


"I did not realize how much stress was playing a role in me getting sick often. I know have tools (both nutritional and lifestyle) to help decrease stress on my body. And you know what? I didn't get sick as often this winter!"